Can anyone think of the film they are refering too. I would like to thank you for your help and all help is kindly appreciated. Walker himself consulted on a James Bond film that showed gigantic Lava lamps as the four posters of a bed. It was featured on style-minded television shows like ''The Avengers'' and ''The Prisoner.'' Mr. royale pekka wallpaper, Wakanda google maps, Sims 4 have some personality please. Walker's slogan at the time was, ''If you buy my lamp, you won't need drugs,'' and the lamp soon became a fixture on the psychedelic scene. lamp cartoon, Tomb raider a87410, Rare beautifull shells, The candle bar. In New York times article regarding the life of the inventor of the lava lamp, this was seen: These lamps were invented in 1963 so I would think they would be in a 1960s and 1970s film, however I can't find any in the films I have seen. I run a website dedicated to the history of vintage lava lamps: and was wondering if you had any clues as to where I may find these lamps featured in a vintage Bond film. I recently came across your great website when trying to find some information on lava lamps that were featured in Vintage James Bond films. Hello folks! Sorry if this is a newbie question but I am new here.